About usCorporate Values
The company was registered on January 25, 1996 to operate a stone quarry business. which has received concessions in many areas throughout Thailand It produces and distributes industrial stone products for use in construction and dolomite minerals. Including transportation services for customers.
Focusing on the success of the work, being committed to performing duties, persist through challenges, and proactively and efficiently resolve issues to ensure our operations align with our goals.
Working together as a team, strive for active participation, united by a common goal, and willingly collaborate and support each other.
Performing duties with honesty, integrity, and transparency, responsibly and efficiently utilizing the company's assets, and taking full accountability for assigned tasks.
Environmental concerns and being mindful of the environment, using natural resources responsibly, and being committed to developing environmentally-friendly products
Continuously improving working methods by seeking new and better ideas, production processes, and practices, while constantly learning and developing ourselves
งบการเงิน ประจำปี 2567