The company was registered on January 25, 1996 to operate a stone quarry business. which has received concessions in many areas throughout Thailand It produces and distributes industrial stone products for use in construction. Including transportation services To transport goods and manage and control product stocks for customers at the agency in a complete manner.
After restructuring the business and shareholding structure. In 2018, the company operated under the management of two major shareholders, Dr. Jarerat Pingklasai and Mr. Ikuo Ano, along with a management team with expertise in Quality quarry development It produces and sells construction stone products such as granite and limestone, which are important raw materials in the general construction industry. Including transportation services for customers.
The company has developed and expanding new products of dolomite ore (Dolomite or “DLM”) which is located at Chom Bueng Mine. Ratchaburi Province from July 2021 onwards.
- Dolomite Phase I to produce lump and aggregate dolomite.
- Dolomite Phase II to produce dolomite powder (Dolomite Powder), which is an expansion of the production line from products obtained from Dolomite Phase I to produce dolomite powder. with laboratory To control product quality to meet the size, specifications, and needs of customers.
งบการเงิน ประจำปี 2567